Science into art
Soon after I started working for Diabetes Australia (NSW), I started to write for its member magazines – DiaTribe and Conquest, which were published quarterly. I developed a reputation for being a good writer, and I was asked to review/edit/assist with other people’s books, like those of Annette Sym, Peter Howard and Tim Bowden.
In 2004, I was asked to join the team behind what was then called the “New Glucose Revolution” series, on a book that was eventually published in 2007 as the “Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes Handbook”. It was an ambitious project, that covered all types of diabetes (Type 1, Type 2, Gestational Diabetes) and pre-diabetes in great depth, and ended up being about the size of your average Christian bible. In a word, it was comprehensive. Now out of print, it can still be found on-line or in public libraries.
Since then, I have had the good fortune of being involved in the writing of 5 more books that are currently in print: